As a pet owner, it’s your responsibility to be aware of harmful products and substances that could cause harm to your pet. You may know common toxic substances include candy and chemicals, but don’t overlook salt. If your pet consumes an excessive amount of salt, they may experience sodium toxicity or salt poisoning. Read below to learn about the dangers of sodium toxicity and what to do if you find your pet in a poisoning emergency.  

Toxicity to Pets 

Salt is an essential nutrient for your pet’s diet. It helps regulate their fluid and electrolyte levels. Consumption of excessive amounts of salt can lead to poisoning. Salt comes in many different forms from table salt for cooking to rock salt for deicing sidewalks to salt water from the beach. It is crucial to be aware of the different forms of salt and the risks associated with your pet ingesting a toxic amount. Your pet is likely to lick salty surfaces because they’re naturally curious animals. If you suspect your pet has been exposed to a dangerous amount of salt, contact Pet Poison Helpline® and your veterinarian for medical advice.  

Salt Poisoning Symptoms 

If your pet is suffering from sodium poisoning, they may try to combat it by drinking fresh water. If the water does not help, symptoms can quickly escalate. Symptoms can be severe and in critical cases, death can occur. Possible sodium poisoning symptoms include:  

  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Decreased appetite 
  • Lethargy 
  • Incoordination 
  • Excessive thirst or urination 
  • Tremors 
  • Seizures 
  • Coma 

Treatment for Salt Poisoning 

If you suspect that your pet is experiencing salt poisoning, call your veterinarian and Pet Poison Helpline® at (855) 764-7661 right away for medical help. Take your pet to the veterinary clinic so they can receive prompt treatment. Your veterinarian will provide IV fluids and electrolytes to keep them hydrated. If the poisoning is severe, hospitalization for further monitoring and care may be necessary. Always monitor your pet’s environment to make sure they are not ingesting a dangerous amount of salt. Prevention is key to keeping your furry friend safe and healthy.