Tag: bread dough

Fresh homemade bread is a comforting pleasure for many people. An even more gratifying experience comes when we have the opportunity to create this staple food from scratch yourself. Winter days provide ample opportunity for simple, yet primal projects that can bring immense satisfaction to the cold worn soul. A few simple innocuous ingredients (water,…

With people spending more time at home due to COVID, Pet Poison Helpline® has seen large increases in calls relating to several household pet hazards. As baking became a popular hobby, calls regarding bread dough and yeast increased by 250%. With pet owners enjoying their morning cup of coffee at home rather than at the…

By: Jo Marshall, CVT Staff Certified Veterinary Technician As a veteran of many holiday phone shifts here at Pet Poison Helpline®, I can tell you that this will likely be our busiest week of the 2013. One would not think that this would be the case at an animal poison control center, but it seems…