By Jo Marshall, CVT Senior Veterinary Information Specialist The Stats of Pet Poison Helpline®! Every year we run the statistics on the calls we take here at Pet Poison Helpline®. How may exposures, what types of exposures, what specifically by species do we see in the bulk of our calls. This helps us in what…
By Jo Marshall, CVT, NREMT Senior Veterinary Information Specialist at Pet Poison Helpline® On many, many occasions we get calls from a well meaning pet owner that has given their pet something or the pet has gotten into something that seems so ordinary that how can it possibly be a concern? Here are some of…
By: Jo Marshall, CVT Staff Certified Veterinary Technician As a veteran of many holiday phone shifts here at Pet Poison Helpline®, I can tell you that this will likely be our busiest week of the 2013. One would not think that this would be the case at an animal poison control center, but it seems…
By Dr. Justine Lee, DVM, DACVECC, DABT Ah, summer…the start of backyard BBQs and picnics outside. While I want to encourage you to spend more time outside with your pooch and your family, keep in mind that when picnicking, there are several dangerous food items that can pose a threat to your dog when accidentally…
Some toxins are specific to cats, dogs, horses, and ruminants. We’ll break down these eight for you in an easy-to-remember list. Ahna Brutlag, DVM, MS, DABT, Adrienne C. Bautista, DVM Pet Poison Helpline® 1. Xylitol is a threat to dogs. Xylitol is a natural sugar-alcohol normally found in small amounts in many fruits and vegetables….