Jaime Shriver, DVM Associate Veterinaian, Clinical Toxicology Have you been enjoying the summer so far? Warm nights on the lake or up at the cabin with your puppy? Campfires with friends after dark? Ice cold lemonade while you sit in a hammock with your furry friends nearby? Summer is a special time of year. Here…
By Amanda Poldoski, DVM Senior Consulting Veterinarian, Clinical Toxicology Here in Minnesota we often joke that our State Bird should actually be the mosquito with as prevalent as they are in the spring and summer. Heartworm infection, however, is a serious disease and should not be taken lightly. One of the most important, cost-effective investments…
By Sharon Billings, CVT Associate Veterinary Information Specialist at Pet Poison Helpline® In April of this year, Pet Poison Helpline®’s CVT Darlene Hanenburg wrote an excellent blog article regarding things you should know about flea and tick topical solutions (read Darlene’s original blog post here: http://petpoisonhelp.wpengine.com/2014/04/four-things-know-flea-tick-topical-solutions/). In this blog post we will build on that…