By Jo Marshall, CVT, NREMT Senior Veterinary Information Specialist Oh the festivities of Thanksgiving and oh the trouble our pets can find within this celebration! I can share my Vizsla’s Thanksgiving indulgence from last year. I am very good in keeping things out of reach from the pets in my household and in most cases,…
By Amanda Poldoski, DVM Staff Veterinarian at Pet Poison Helpline® We LOVE Halloween here at Pet Poison Helpline® and are prepping for our own party on the big day. Still, during all the fun our goal is to help keep pets safe and healthy! Here are some reminders and tips for the season: Glow sticks…
By: Jo Marshall, CVT Staff Certified Veterinary Technician As a veteran of many holiday phone shifts here at Pet Poison Helpline®, I can tell you that this will likely be our busiest week of the 2013. One would not think that this would be the case at an animal poison control center, but it seems…
Now that summer has drawn to an end, it’s important to remember all those upcoming seasonal toxins that we need to be aware of! With Halloween and Thanksgiving right around the corner, make sure to educate yourself on the pet poisons that are around your house and that we commonly see here at Pet Poison…
Download our Safety Tips for Hunting Dogs Handout As you and your Labrador retriever, German shorthaired pointer, or Irish setter prepare for hunting season, it’s important to make sure that you’re keeping your dog out of harm’s way. Be aware of potential hazards to your hunting dog to help ensure a safe, enjoyable and bountiful…