Man’s Best Coworker

Kaitlyn Leach, CVT
Veterinary Information Specialist

Have you ever participated in take your dog to work day? If so, you probably know how much happiness your pooch can bring to the office. As a remote employee, my dogs go to work with me every day. Without having a physical presence in the office, it sometimes feels like my dogs are my coworkers. While having furry colleagues has its ups and downs, it’s safe to say the pros outweigh the cons! For those of you that don’t share the same fortunes as me, here are the top 5 reasons why having your dog as a coworker is the best.

  1. Water cooler gossip is kept to a minimum.


2. Having your lunch stolen from the refrigerator will reach an all time low.


3. You will have a dedicated seat warmer during bathroom breaks.


4. There is no need to worry about the embarrassment of showing up to the office in the same outfit.


5. Office disputes can typically be settled with belly rubs or a game of fetch.


Having your dogs in the office isn’t all fun and games, but they can certainly help to keep you motivated and lower your stress level. While this isn’t something that will work for everyone, my home office is much more enjoyable when filled with dogs!