No Lilies for Kitties Downloads

Please help us spread the word to “leave out the lilies” in households with cats!  The following items are downloadable and able to be shared on your website, social media channels, email blasts, and in your clinic.

No Lilies for Kitties Infographic

Click the No Lilies for Kitties graphic to open a high resolution version in a new window. Right click and save the image to your computer to print as a flyer for your clinic, share on social media, or include in an email newsletter for clients!

 No Lilies for Kitties Infographic
No Lilies for Kitties Campaign Newsletter



Lily Toxicity Video

Our Lily Toxicity video can be shared on social media, embedded on your website, or downloaded and used in your clinic’s waiting room! Follow the instructions below to share the video with your clients.

Share on Social Media 

If you’d simply like to share the video on your social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, etc.), you can share it by using this link:

  1. Lily Toxicity:

Embed on Your Website 

To embed the video on your company website, have your web developer follow these quick steps:

  1. Copy this code:

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

  1. Paste the code into your blog or website on the page you’d like it to show up (note that this needs to be pasted in the HTML code of your site)


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