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As Summer enters full swing, we are starting the season of outdoor activities and barbeques! While we encourage you to bring your four-legged friends to these enriching outings, there are dangerous toxins to keep in mind. Here are some quick reminders of the most common barbecue toxins. Table Foods: While it can be tempting to…

1) Chocolate According to our case volume, chocolate is the perfect treat for any holiday – Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween, and oh my, Christmas make this toxin number one! Unfortunately, the darker the chocolate, the more stimulants (theobromine and caffeine) it contains.  We don’t usually eat enough to notice, but our dogs absolutely will if…

New Interactive Tool Allows Pet Lovers to Research Potential Dangers in Their Area In honor of Pet Poison Prevention Month in March, the toxicology experts at Pet Poison Helpline® analyzed five years of proprietary call data and are releasing the next iteration of Toxin Trends, an online tool designed to help consumers and veterinary professionals…

  5 Important Pet Toxins to Know for Valentine’s Day Chocolate Being surprised with that heart-shaped box of chocolates could figuratively make your heart skip a beat, but this could become a reality if your pets ingest them! Chocolate contains theobromine, a strong stimulant to dogs and cats. It causes a dangerously elevated heart rate,…

Nicotine poisoning can be a real concern for our pets.  With so many nicotine products on the market such as cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, gums, smokeless tobacco, transdermal patches, and insecticidal dusts or sprays, there are so many ways a beloved pet can become exposed! Fortunately, most tend to have a less than appealing taste, but…

The time to start making New Year’s resolutions is just around the corner. Our journeys to better ourselves would not be complete without our furry companions. While we make choices to live healthier lifestyles, these choices can lead to toxin exposure for our pets! Here are a few things to keep in mind when looking…

Halloween. Almost an entire week dedicated to making, buying and giving out candy, with bountiful sugary rivers flowing from neighborhoods to trick or treater’s baskets and pillow cases– and hopefully, not into your pet’s mouth! It’s common for pets to eat things they shouldn’t, so make sure to keep the following Halloween treats far out…

As kids start going back to school and the leaves begin changing colors, the temperature outside begins to drop. Whether you are a cool weather fan or not, it is important to be prepared for the cooler weather for both you and your pet. The cooler weather brings many toxins that can be found in…

Amidst the bustle of getting ready to start the school year, potential pet toxins probably aren’t foremost in our minds, but they should be! The risks associated with seemingly harmless items are a very real threat to our pets, and here are a few important toxins to keep in mind.   Snacks Common snacks like…

Pet Toxicology Experts Identify Top 10 Toxins Commonly Found in a Pantry When you think of your pantry, images of household staples, cooking supplies, snacks and other food items come to mind. In reality, what you may find is a pantry full of potential pet poisons. In honor of National Poison Prevention Week, March 20-26,…