Can Dogs Have Carprofen?


It’s hard to see your dog in pain, luckily, dogs can take carprofen. Carprofen is used to treat pain and inflammation in dogs – much like how humans take ibuprofen for their pain. If your dog is in pain, do not decide for yourself if your dog needs to take carprofen. You need to contact your veterinarian and they will decide if your dog needs to take carprofen. Veterinarians can prescribe carprofen for your dog if they just went through surgery or are experiencing pain.


Carprofen is used for dogs to treat osteoarthritis, inflammation, and discomfort. Carprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication used in veterinary medicine, NSAIDs. Carprofen is a tablet that is easily chewable. Carprofen should not be used with other NSAIDs. Ask your veterinarian if carprofen will negatively interact with your dog’s other medications.


What if my dog ate carprofen?

If your dog ate carprofen, it depends on a lot of things. Is your dog prescribed to take carprofen or were they sniffing around and accidently ate carprofen?


If your dog was prescribed carprofen then you should follow the veterinarians’ instructions for how your dog should take carprofen. Typically, carprofen is eaten with food.  Veterinarians know how carprofen interacts with your dog’s biological system.


If your dog accidentally ate carprofen then you should monitor for any symptoms.


How will I know if my dog is experiencing carprofen poisoning?

Your dog may be experiencing carprofen poisoning if you observe the following symptoms.


Symptoms to watch out for include the following:


  • Vomiting
  • Vomit that has been stained red
  • Diarrhea
  • Stool with a black tarry coating
  • Inappetence
  • Lethargy
  • Urination or thirst levels have increased
  • General malaise
  • Pain in the stomach
  • Seizures


Toxic doses of carprofen are typically 10 mg per pound of your dog’s body weight. Carprofen poisoning could happen if your dog accidentally ate multiple carprofen tablets. Make sure to keep carprofen in a safe place where your dog cannot access it.


Immediately contact your veterinarian and Pet Poison Helpline®, at (855)-764-7661, if you think your dog is experiencing carprofen poisoning. Bring the carprofen bottle and any other information with you to the vet so your dog can receive the correct treatment.



Your veterinarian will decide the right course of treatment based on your dog’s symptoms. The veterinarian may induce vomiting and utilize activated charcoal to bind to the carprofen in your dog. Your dog will also receive IV fluids.


Kidney and liver function, and urine output will be monitored to assess how your dog is doing. The specific treatments will continue until your dog shows signs of recovery.



Recovery is highly likely if your dog receives timely veterinary care and there are not too many complications. There may be further complications if your dog does not receive timely veterinary care and based on your dog’s past medical history.




Rimadyl®, Zinecarp®, Canidryl®, Aventicarp®, Rycarfa®, Rimifin®, Carpox®, Tergive®, Carprodyl®, Carprieve®, Norocarp®, Novox®, quellin®, Rovera®, Vetprofen®, Levafen®, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory (NSAID, NSAIDs)