Easy Home Remedies for Dogs

Home Remedies for Dogs


Sometimes, you absolutely need to take your dog to the vet. A normal trip to the vet can be traumatic for any pet, imagine what a vet visit would be like for your pet in pain. But not every situation requires a vet visit, what do you do if that is the case?


In some cases, you can use home remedies for your dog. Below are home remedies for common illnesses.



Home Remedies for Inflammation


Inflammation is swelling of an area on your dog, this can occur for many reasons. Inflammation can cause further irritation with long haired dogs. Excessive licking of wounds can encourage infection, especially for long haired dogs.


When removing hair from the affected area, do not shave close to the skin. Firstly, cleanse the affected area to remove any debris with a terry cloth. Do not put an antibiotic ointment on the affected area. Instead, gently clean the area with warm water.


Elizabethan collars, sometimes known as “cone collars”, can be purchased to keep your dog from licking the wound.


If the wound does not start to heal after a couple of days, take your dog to the veterinarian.



Home Remedies for Upset Stomachs


If your pet has an upset stomach, do not feed your pet for approximately 12 hours after they vomit if they do not have other medical concerns. Feeding your pet after vomiting may induce gastroenteritis, which is inflammation of the bowels or stomach, resulting in vomiting and diarrhea.


Begin feeding your dog bland food, such as boiled chicken, after 12 hours. If the bland food triggers an upset stomach, immediately consult your veterinarian.


Pepcid AC is a common home remedy but contact your vet before giving it to your dog. You want to make sure Pepcid AC will help your dog, not harm them.



Home Remedies for Allergic Reactions


Dogs are like humans when it comes to allergies. Dogs can be allergic to all types of things; specific foods, feathers, and cleaning products. Allergies can make dogs itch, swell, or make them uncomfortable. A bath with Dawn dish detergent can make itching go away.


Benadryl, a common human antihistamine, is an effective home remedy for dogs with allergies. Avoid Benadryl that includes decongestants and other unnecessary substances.


Contact your veterinarian to determine the proper Benadryl dosage.


When you Need to go to the Vet


Not all the information on the Internet is true – do what is best for your dog. If your dog is acting differently or experiencing different symptoms, go to the vet.


Be careful, home remedies may be convenient, but your dog’s health is your priority. If you ever have any questions or concerns about home remedies, immediately contact Pet Poison Helpline®, at (855)-764-7661, and your veterinarian.