Fertilizer Toxicity in Pets 

Fertilizer toxicity is a serious condition that can affect pets, particularly cats and dogs, when they come in contact with it. Potash, a mixture of potassium compounds, is commonly found in fertilizers, certain cleaning products, and even some foods. When pets are exposed to high levels of fertilizers, they can experience a wide range of symptoms, including gastrointestinal distress, organ damage, and even death. Therefore, it is crucial for pet owners to be aware of the potential dangers of potash toxicity and take necessary precautions to keep their furry friends safe. 

How Can Fertilizers Affect Pets? 

Potash is a naturally occurring mineral commonly used in fertilizers and certain household products. While typically safe for humans, it can pose a danger to pets. If ingested, potash can potentially harm pets, such as causing gastrointestinal issues. It is important for pet owners to securely store products containing potash to prevent accidental ingestion by pets. If a pet does consume potash, you are advised to contact a veterinarian and Pet Poison Helpline immediately for guidance and an appropriate treatment. 

Clinical Signs of Fertilizer Toxicity 

If your pet was exposed to or ingested fertilizer, they can experience clinical signs of toxicity. Common signs to watch out for include: 

  • Drooling 
  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Abnormal posture due to abdominal pain 
  • Difficulty breathing 
  • “Muddy” colored gums 


If you suspect your pet is suffering from potash toxicity or is showing symptoms of poisoning, contact your veterinarian and Pet Poison Helpline at (855) 764-7661 right away for medical help. Take your pet to a veterinary clinic for immediate treatment. Your veterinarian may induce vomiting and administer activated charcoal to bind the toxins. Your pet may receive IV fluids to address dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Specific treatment will depend on the severity of the poisoning and the exhibited symptoms. Fertilizer toxicity in pets can be a serious situation and immediate veterinary attention is crucial.