Dogs can be poisoned if they eat chocolate. Although, the severity of the reaction depends on the body weight and type of chocolate consumed. Please keep an eye out for chocolate poisoning clinical signs mentioned in this article. 


Why is Chocolate Toxic for Dogs?  

Theobromine and caffeine are well-known for raising your dog’s heartbeat and stimulating its nervous system to work abnormally. When it comes to chocolate ingestion, there are many variables to consider, including the kind and quantity of chocolate ingested and the dog’s weight. Different varieties of chocolates have varying levels of these mentioned chemicals. 


Here are some chocolates that are high in these stimulants:  

  • Powdered Cocoa 
  • Baker’s Chocolate 
  • Partially Sweetened Chocolate 
  • Dark & Milk Chocolates 


What Happens to Dogs When They Eat Chocolate?  

The heart, the central nervous system, and the kidneys are the primary organs affected by chocolate toxicity. The symptoms generally appear four to twenty-four hours later when your dog eats chocolate. 


Chocolate poisoning in dogs may have varying effects and symptoms depending on the quantity consumed and the breed. An upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea are possible clinical signs, as well as cardiovascular issues and an elevated heart rate. Seizures may occur if dogs eat more than 750 g. If a toxic quantity of chocolate is consumed, seek emergency medical attention from your veterinarian. Contact your vet or Pet Poison Helpline® at (855)-764-7661. 


What is the Possible Treatment for Chocolate Toxicity in Dogs?  

The kind and quantity of chocolate consumed will impact the course of treatment. Theobromine absorption into the body may be prevented by decontamination, including producing vomiting and injecting activated charcoal if addressed early. Theobromine resorption and recirculation may be reduced by repeating treatments with activated charcoal. 


Intravenous fluid therapy is often used to stabilize a dog and encourage the excretion of theobromine. Clinical signs of chocolate poisoning include agitation, vomiting, diarrhea, anxiety, an irregular heartbeat and elevated blood pressure in dogs. Restlessness and other signs may be treated with medication. 


What Should you Immediately do if your Dog Eats Chocolate? 

If you think your dog has eaten too much chocolate, contact your veterinarian and Pet Poison Helpline®. You should bring your dog in immediately if they ate enough chocolate to be considered deadly. The sooner your dog receives treatment, there’s a greater likelihood that your dog will recover.