Most of the world’s scorpion species can be found in North America. Scorpions have stingers with needle-like tips that inject poison. Scorpions will sting when they feel threatened. When stinging, they can control how much venom is released. Cats are renowned for their strong instincts to hunt small prey such as insects and scorpions. Cats may be stung by scorpions – so what should you do if a scorpion stings your cat?


Are Scorpion Stings Dangerous?


All scorpions are venomous but not every scorpion’s venom is poisonous. In other words, if your cat gets stung by a scorpion, not every incidence will result in severe poisoning. There are over 100 species of scorpions in North America. The most venomous North American scorpion is the Arizona Bark scorpion which is found in the southwestern region of the United States.

Cats, like most animals and humans, are not immune to scorpion stings or venom. Cats do have fast reflexes and may be quick enough not to be stung. But in the case that your cat gets stung by a scorpion, go to the vet clinic immediately.


What Are The Common Signs of a Scorpion Sting?


Cats tend to hide their wounds so it might take some time to figure out that a scorpion stung your cat. Check your cat for any changes in behavior or developing symptoms. A scorpion sting is on a similar pain level to a bee sting and can be intense. Monitor your cat for the following signs:


  • Severe pain in the site of the sting
  • Swelling
  • Limping
  • Headshaking
  • Agitation and tremors
  • Dilated pupils
  • Elevated heart rate and blood pressure
  • Irregular eye movements


Scorpion Sting Treatment


If you suspect your cat got stung by a scorpion, immediately call your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline® at (855)-764-7661. If possible, describe or even bring the scorpion that stung your cat to the vet and describe the environment in which your cat got stung. Your vet or Pet Poison Helpline® will determine the correct course of treatment.


If advised to do so by your vet, you can cleanse the wound with cold water and remove the stinger with clean tweezers. You can apply an over-the-counter pain reliver to the wound. Never provide any care to your cat unless prescribed by your vet.





Not every scorpion has lethal venom; instead, most stings will result in pain and injury. Most cats should be able to recover from scorpion stings, but it depends on the type of scorpion, the timeliness in which your cat receives care, and your cat’s past medical history. Don’t worry – most cats recover, and they should be ok. For the future, monitor your cat’s environment for dangers such as scorpions.