Your dog is sniffing the ground as you take your daily walk, and they eat a mushroom. As their owner, what can you do if your dog eats a mushroom? There are thousands of mushroom species, and they range from perfectly edible to severely poisonous. As a dog owner, you might be wondering how you tell poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms apart? Truth be told, it is very hard to tell the differences between poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms. Scary, right? The best person to contact would be your vet and a mushroom expert. As a dog owner, it is best to assume all mushroom types are poisonous if your dog eats a mushroom. 

Clinical Signs of Mushroom Poisoning 

There are up to 100 toxic species of mushrooms in North America alone. Once you are aware that your dog interacted with any type of mushroom, they need to get to a vet immediately. It is very important for your dog to receive immediate medical care. Mushrooms and the reactions to ingesting them are very diverse. It is hard to narrow down specific symptoms, because of how different mushrooms affect different bodily systems. General symptoms of mushroom poisoning may include: 

  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Dehydration 
  • Gastrointestinal discomfort 

Try to take the mushroom sample to the vet so they can determine the mushroom species and its toxicity levels. If you cannot get a mushroom sample, describe the mushroom’s location to your vet. 

Treatment for Mushroom Poisoning 

Mushroom consumption can be fatal for a dog if they do not receive medical attention. Not every mushroom consumption can be fatal, but a vet needs to check your dog after consumption. Your dog may receive IV fluids to address dehydration. Treatment depends on the type of mushroom that your dog ate. If your dog has eaten an unknown mushroom, immediately call your veterinarian and Pet Poison Helpline®, at (855) 764-7661, to get the help your dog needs.