We all know that chocolate and dogs are a toxic mix, but what about cats? Cats are also easily poisoned by chocolate, despite how often we hear and read about dogs getting poisoned by chocolate. Any quantity of chocolate is toxic to cats and may cause anything from vomiting to convulsions to death. Knowing what might happen and what to do if your cat ingests chocolate can save your pet’s life.              


Why is Chocolate Toxic to Cats? 

Theobromine and caffeine, found in chocolate, can be poisonous to cats if ingested in significant amounts. Because cats absorb theobromine at a far slower rate than humans, even a fair bit of chocolate may be hazardous to a small feline friend. As a more sensitive species than humans, caffeine, chemically comparable to theobromine, has a more significant effect on cats. 


If chocolate poisoning in a cat is not treated right away, it may result in various symptoms, including death. Therefore, your veterinarian and Pet Poison Helpline® should be contacted promptly if your cat eats chocolate, even if it was a couple chocolate chips.  


What are the Common Symptoms of Chocolate Poisoning in Cats?  

When it comes to chocolate, cats are far more sensitive to its ingredients than humans are, and if they consume even a tiny quantity, they will show evident indications of illness. Acute symptoms include vomiting and diarrhea, as well as hyperactivity and tremors. However, if left untreated, these symptoms may worsen. In addition, chocolate poisoning may lead to convulsions, stiffness, and fast breathing in cats, as well as death if it isn’t treated promptly. Here are some of the other signs of chocolate poisoning in cats: 



      Shivering / tremors  



      Increased thirst 

      Elevated responses to stimuli 

      Stiffness of muscles 




If your cat is in danger of chocolate poisoning, your vet may induce vomiting There is no safe way to induce vomiting in cats at home, so, take your cat to the vet clinic as soon as possible and always consult with your veterinarian before administering help. Your cat may require hydration treatment and blood or urine testing at the vet’s office. ECGs may detect abnormal cardiac rhythms. A bland diet is advised for the following four days to relieve symptoms. Ingestion of enough theobromine may cause death if not treated quickly. 


What Should I Do if My Cat Shows Any of the Symptoms Mentioned Above? 

If your cat ate chocolate, it could be toxic. You need to act immediately to potentially save your pet’s life. Call Pet Poison Helpline® at (855)-764-7661 and your veterinarian if your cat has been exhibiting any symptoms. Immediate treatment is essential to keep your cat safe and healthy.