This complimentary webinar is RACE approved
Speaker: Ahna Brutlag, DVM, MS, DABT, DABVT
Recoded Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Reports of accidental pet exposure to cannabis continues to skyrocket, mostly due to accidental ingestion of THC or CBD containing products intended for people. Drawing from the scientific literature and Pet Poison Helpline’s database of more than 13,000 cannabis exposures, this lecture will focus on the ‘real world’ experiences associated with CBD and/or THC toxicosis in dogs and cats, including the expected (and unexpected) clinical signs, appropriate medical treatments, diagnostic tests, and prognosis.
Instructions for viewing the recorded webinar:
- You will first need to register for the webinar. After completing the registration form, you will be taken directly to the event lobby.
- In the lobby, you will see colored widgets at the bottom of your screen for the media player, Q&A, speaker bio, post-test, certification, and resource list. Click on the widgets you want to have open and press play in the media player to begin the recording.
- In order to receive non-interactive CE credit for watching the presentation you will need to:
- watch the presentation for at least 50 minutes
- take and pass the corresponding post-test, which can be found in the green widget box
- click on the yellow certificate widget to download your non-interactive CE certificate