Avocado contains a toxin called persin, but only certain species of animals are poisoned by persin. While dogs and cats are rarely affected by persin, avocado poisoning can be deadly to birds and large animals (such as cows, goats, sheep). The bigger risk to dogs and cats is a foreign body obstruction in the esophagus,…
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Rodenticide (rat and mouse bait): Green or turquoise coloring is common for these baits. Be advised that the active ingredient cannot be determined by appearances alone. The poison could be bromethalin, which causes swelling of the brain and spinal cord; cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), which can cause high calcium leading to kidney failure and other signs;…
New Interactive Tool Allows Pet Lovers to Research Potential Dangers in Their Area In honor of Pet Poison Prevention Month in March, the toxicology experts at Pet Poison Helpline® analyzed five years of proprietary call data and are releasing the next iteration of Toxin Trends, an online tool designed to help consumers and veterinary professionals…
Our mission at Pet Poison Helpline® is to make the world a safer place for animals and to save pets’ lives 24/7. We also pride ourselves in providing you with the most accurate and relevant information in order to help keep your pets safe, healthy, and happy! 2020 was a difficult year in many ways…
Which ones aren’t what they’re “hyped” up to be? Part One By Candi Amundson, CVT Veterinary Information Specialist There are thousands of plants all around the world and many are well known to be safe for consumption and on the other side of the coin there are others that are deadly poisonous. Calls to Pet…
By Catherine Angle, DVM Staff Veterinarian at Pet Poison Helpline® Every year people open their homes to their friends and loved ones to watch the Super Bowl. As your house is filled with people, paper plates and plastic cups will likewise be filled with food and beverage and left on coffee tables, laps, and in…
By Brynne Stumpe, 2015 DVM Candidate University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine Extern, Pet Poison Helpline® Toxins can be a serious problem in companion birds due to several factors including their size, efficient respiratory system, and curious nature. In addition, many owners may be unaware that certain substances can be toxic to their birds. …