Cats are a part of your family, so it makes sense that they would want to join in on your celebrations. A lot of the time, celebrations typically include alcohol. So, can even a little sip of alcohol be bad for your cat? Yes, even the tiniest amount of alcohol can be bad for your cat. This includes all types of alcohol, such as beer, wine, and seltzers. Even rubbing alcohol can have detrimental effects on your cat if it gets on their skin. Continue reading the article to learn more about alcohol’s effects on cats.
Clinical Signs of Alcohol Poisoning
Alcohol is rapidly absorbed into your cat’s bloodstream. Cats are much smaller compared to humans, so their digestive systems will absorb alcohol much faster than humans. Dangerous drops in blood sugar, blood pressure, and body temperature can occur. Their liver is the organ that does most of the work detoxifying alcohol. Drops in blood sugar and body temperature can lead to other symptoms as well. Common symptoms of alcohol poisoning include:
- Depression or lethargy
- Incoordination
- Drooling
- Vomiting
- Weakness
- Collapse
- Decreased respiratory rate
- Hypoglycemia
- Hypotension
- Hypothermia
To prevent future episodes of alcohol poisoning, ensure that all alcohol is securely stored in your home. Inform all your guests that your cats should not consume alcohol. You should consider removing all cats from rooms where alcohol is accessible or open.
Treatment for Alcohol Poisoning
If you see your cat consuming any type of alcohol, separate them from the alcohol immediately. They must get prompt medical attention to combat any exhibited symptoms. Take your cat to the nearest emergency veterinary clinic. Vomiting may be induced, and IV fluids may be provided to your cat. Your cat should be able to recover, but your veterinarian will have more information. By calling Pet Poison Helpline at (855) 764-7661, they can promptly answer your questions.