Kids love playdough and dogs love kids. If there is playdough in your home, your dog is likely to encounter it. Both store-bought and homemade playdough can be harmful to your dog. Homemade playdough  often contains a large amount of salt. This becomes a concern for salt poisoning if ingested by your pet. 

The Dangers of Playdough for Dogs

Playing with playdough is a common activity for families. More often than not, playdough is used more during the holiday season to make salt dough ornaments. Salt dough ornaments are used to decorate the home and trees. Dogs with kidney disease, diabetes, or other hormonal imbalances are particularly at risk of salt poisoning, as they are unable to effectively regulate electrolyte levels. Common salt poisoning symptoms include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Decreased appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Incoordination
  • Excessive thirst or urination
  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • Coma

Even if your dog doesn’t consume salt dough, but consumes regular playdough, they can still experience symptoms. Additionally, all types of playdough pose a choking risk to your pup. It is best to keep playdough in a secure location. Inform your family and peers how to safely play with playdough while a dog is around. 

Treatment for Playdough Poisoning 

If your dog has ingested homemade playdough or salt dough, it is essential to provide them with fresh water and contact a veterinarian and Pet Poison Helpline® (855) 764-7661 for assistance. Treatment can involve IV fluids and electrolyte supplements. In more severe cases, salt toxicity may cause the brain to swell, and your dog may need to be hospitalized for observation. Time is of the essence in these situations, so take action immediately to ensure your pup has the best chance of recovery. Pet Poison Helpline® and your veterinarian are the best resources for medical care.