Category: Media Releases

Fireworks safety and common barbecue foods to avoid When celebrating with family and friends this 4th of July, remember that fireworks and some common barbecue foods can be hazardous to the well-being of pets. The veterinary and toxicology experts at Pet Poison Helpline® offer pet owners these tips for a safe and happy holiday. “Pets…

After an unseasonably warm winter, many gardens and yards around the country are growing and blossoming well ahead of schedule. Outdoor enthusiasts who are also pet owners are delighted with the early onset of spring, enjoying their outdoor living spaces while watching their pets run and play. The veterinary and toxicology experts at Pet Poison…

Pet Poison Helpline® Advises Cat Owners to be Aware of These Dangerous Toxins How to keep your cat safe this upcoming year It is no surprise that dogs and cats are, by far, the most common pets in U.S. households today. The cat population in the U.S. outnumbers dogs by more than 10 million, making them…

Pet Poison Helpline® Raising Awareness of Household Dangers to Pets The 50th anniversary of Poison Prevention Week is March 18-24, 2012, marking five decades of safer homes and saved lives. While much of the nationally-recognized effort has been directed at raising awareness with parents of small children, the veterinarians at Pet Poison Helpline® remind us…

Ideas for keeping pets safe from potential dangers Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and with this holiday of love comes gifts, many of which include candies and flowers. The veterinarians at Pet Poison Helpline® share some of the most common culprits of pet poisonings related to these well-intentioned gifts. “Unfortunately, some well-intentioned gifts…