By Jo Marshall Certified Veterinary Technician at Pet Poison Helpline® We are getting close to gardening season here in Minnesota – and I cannot wait for those fresh tomatoes from the garden! They are so good and so sweet when they are warmed in the sun and eaten directly from the vine. Truly, there is…
By Catherine Angle, DVM, MPH Staff Veterinarian Here at Pet Poison Helpline®, we strive to provide you with all the information you need to help you make informed medical decisions for you pet. We hate to interrupt family time with a vet visit if you don’t need to and want your pet to get the…
By Tammy Dee Certified Veterinary Technician at Pet Poison Helpline® Separation anxiety has become a widely recognized condition in veterinary medicine. The condition is psychological in nature in which the pet develops excessive anxiety, or distress upon separation from its home, belongings, or people to which it has developed an emotional attachment. The anxiety disorder…
By: Darlene Hanenburg Certified Veterinary Technician at Pet Poison Helpline® With spring’s arrival, pet owners are starting their monthly rituals for controlling fleas and ticks, which typically involve application of a topical solution, or “spot-on” product. At Pet Poison Helpline®, spring also brings an increase in calls about topical flea and tick spot-ons. Concerns range…
By: Pamela Huyck Certified Veterinary Technician at Pet Poison Helpline® Many of our callers are referred to us by their regular veterinarians and do not understand why their regular vets cannot answer their question(s). Toxicology is a specialized field and there is a very long list of things dogs (and occasionally cats) have been known…