Category: Pet Owner Blog

‘Tis the season! The holidays often evoke memories of gathered friends and family, seasonal music, festive food, and celebration. While our pets are part of the family and it may be tempting to include them in holiday traditions, there are several risks that are important to be aware of during this season. Elements of holiday…

As the holidays quickly approach, so does the likelihood pets will be exposed to certain toxins. Many of these are plants, particularly poinsettias, holly, mistletoe, and lilies. Here are some quick facts about these plants. Poinsettias (Euphorbia spp): contain chemicals called diterpenoid euphorbol esters and saponin-like detergents. Although considered poisonous, only mild clinical signs occur….

It is that time of year again- time to put up holiday decorations, drink some hot chocolate, and prepare for snowstorms! During all the celebration and cheer, it is important to keep in mind the safety of your dog in this cold weather. Here are some quick tips to keep in mind while we head…

Antifreeze is used in vehicle engines and is often stored around sheds and garages. It commonly contains an ingredient, ethylene glycol, which can be deadly to your pets by causing severe kidney damage. Affected pets will initially appear drunk and nauseous, which progresses to continuous vomiting, seizures, coma, and death as the kidneys fail within…

When pets ingest something potentially dangerous, owners’ first instinct is often to get it out of their system by making them vomit. The question is, is it ever safe to make a pet vomit at home? For cats, the answer is NO. Unfortunately, there is no safe or effective way to make our feline friends…