Category: Pet Safety Tips

This holiday season many of us may not be able to be in the presence of our loves ones and are instead choosing to ship and send our presents instead. With more packages than ever before being mailed, with potentially unknown contents, this can pose a new risk to our pets! Cats like to chew…

With people spending more time at home due to COVID, Pet Poison Helpline® has seen large increases in calls relating to several household pet hazards. As baking became a popular hobby, calls regarding bread dough and yeast increased by 250%. With pet owners enjoying their morning cup of coffee at home rather than at the…

Heather Handley, DVM Senior Consulting Veterinarian, Clinical Toxicology Pet Poison Helpline® When it comes to children, it is pretty standard to have “non-toxic” school supplies. That makes sense, but what does “non-toxic” mean? A product will get that label if its use is not expected to cause adverse health events. For example, a child may…

Tabatha Regehr, DVM Associate Veterinarian, Clinical Toxicology Pet Poison Helpline® Life has changed dramatically both on a global scale and in our day to day lives over the past 3 months. Our pet’s lives have changed too. Many dogs are getting more exercise, health concerns previously unnoticed are being identified by pet parents, and our…

Kristin Saunders, BS, LVT Veterinary Information Specialist Pet Poison Helpline® Almost every animal will experience some form of pain at some point in their life.  Whether it’s a young animal who is rough housing and hurts their leg, an older animal experiencing the effects of aging, or an animal with an upset stomach, pain can…