Vikki Johnson, CVT Veterinary Information Specialist Pet Poison Helpline® Fleas and ticks can be a not so fun part of owning a dog or cat. We’ll cover some basic tick information and leave the fleas for a later date. Ticks have 4 life stages: egg, larva, nymph, and adult. After the egg hatches the tick…
Renee DiPietro, CVT Veterinary Information Specialist What is Cuterebriasis? You are petting or grooming your pet and suddenly you discover a prominent lump (often in the head or neck area) that seems to be a recent occurrence. You part the hair to get a better look and you see a lump or pouch with what…
Renee DiPietro, CVT Veterinary Information Specialist Bees and wasps are two of the species in the insect order, Hymenoptera. These insects are important pollinators that help ensure the world food supply and the continuance of biodiversity. It is in our best interest to preserve them and treat them with respect. Pets, especially dogs as they…
Michelle Willis, CVT, RVT Veterinary Information Specialist This post was inspired by an incident that occurred at home with my own dog, Zoey (*names have been changes to protect the victim). Living in the SE of the country, we are no stranger to all sorts of insects. Zoey, who is our very curious Boston Terrier,…