Pet Poison Helpline®’s Dr. Justine Lee will be lecturing on toxicology and emergency critical care at the Midwest Veterinary Conference in Columbus, OH. Join Dr. Lee for the following lectures: Thursday, February 21, 2013 8:00am – 9:00am Top 20 Toxins and How to Treat Them: Part 1 9:15am – 10:15am Top 20 Toxins and How…
Dr. Justine Lee, associate director of veterinary services at Pet Poison Helpline®, is scheduled to lecture at the Rhode Island Veterinary Medical Association 42nd Annual Scientific Seminar in Newport, RI. Thursday, December 6, 2012 8:30am – 10:00am Common Mistakes to Avoid in the ER 10:30am – 12:00pm Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid in Dyspneic Patients!…
Are you a veterinarian or veterinary professional? Join us for a free CE on “Top 10 errors to avoid in your poisoned patients!“ When that poisoned dog walks into your clinic, are you automatically reaching for apomorphine and activated charcoal? Think it’s okay to use hydrogen peroxide as an emetic for cats? Confident that you…