Tag: xylitol

By Dr. Justine Lee, DVM, DACVECC, DABT Ah, summer…the start of backyard BBQs and picnics outside. While I want to encourage you to spend more time outside with your pooch and your family, keep in mind that when picnicking, there are several dangerous food items that can pose a threat to your dog when accidentally…

Some toxins are specific to cats, dogs, horses, and ruminants. We’ll break down these eight for you in an easy-to-remember list. Ahna Brutlag, DVM, MS, DABT, Adrienne C. Bautista, DVM Pet Poison Helpline® 1. Xylitol is a threat to dogs. Xylitol is a natural sugar-alcohol normally found in small amounts in many fruits and vegetables….

Pet Poison Helpline®’s Ahna Brutlag, DVM, MS will be featured on Pet Talk with Dr. B, a radio show broadcasted out of Las Vegas.  Dr. Brutlag will be interviewed on common household toxins that are poisonous to dogs and cats, including items you would not expect! Tune in on Saturday, September 1st at 11:20 am PST…

Pet Poison Helpline® Raising Awareness of Household Dangers to Pets The 50th anniversary of Poison Prevention Week is March 18-24, 2012, marking five decades of safer homes and saved lives. While much of the nationally-recognized effort has been directed at raising awareness with parents of small children, the veterinarians at Pet Poison Helpline® remind us…

By: Ronald M. Kraft, DVM Danger lurks everywhere if our pets are smarter than we are. Have I ever told you about Leonard? He is my 13-year-old yellow lab, a rescue from the SPCA. My wife and I spent the first few years learning to lock the pantry to keep him from opening the door. Whatever we tried, he…