Jen Steckline, CVT Veterinary Information Specialist Pet Poison Helpline® There are many easy snack foods for kids which are also toxic to pets. Raisins and grapes are some of the most common food calls we get at the Pet Poison Helpline®. Raisins and grapes cause kidney failure in dogs and cats and unfortunately, there is…
Halloween is upon us! As October 31 approaches, beware of the scariest Halloween hazards that we see every year. These include chocolate, raisins, xylitol, costumes, batteries and alcohol. Save and share this helpful infographic to spread the word to all your pet-loving friends! (Click to expand.)
By Jo Marshall, CVT, NREMT Senior Veterinary Information Specialist at Pet Poison Helpline® On many, many occasions we get calls from a well meaning pet owner that has given their pet something or the pet has gotten into something that seems so ordinary that how can it possibly be a concern? Here are some of…