Rebecca Dablow, CVT Associate Veterinary Information Specialist The benefits of having animals in our lives is great and the list long. However, for this blog post I would like to talk about one of the potentially serious drawbacks of co-existing with animals; zoonotic diseases are those which can be passed from animals to humans. These…
In honor of Nation Immunization Awareness Month, we want to encourage you to discuss vaccinations with your veterinarian. We have heard about a reemergence of distemper due to pets not being vaccinated, and rabies is always a concern. Not sure exactly what these diseases are? Read more: Distemper: Canine distemper is a contagious and serious…
By Sharon Billings, CVT Associate Veterinary Information Specialist at Pet Poison Helpline® Perhaps you’ve wondered why your local government requires you to provide proof of up-to-date rabies vaccination when licensing your pet. Or maybe you’ve wondered why your veterinarian always has this item at the top of the to-do list when your pet visits the…