Tag: household cleaners

By Jo Marshall, CVT Senior Veterinary Information Specialist   A few weeks ago I wrote about the top ten exposures that we have with our dog friends and now it is equal time for our feline friends. As I explained in my previous blog, we do these stats for a couple of reasons. First and…

By Jo Marshall, CVT Senior Veterinary Information Specialist The Stats of Pet Poison Helpline®! Every year we run the statistics on the calls we take here at Pet Poison Helpline®. How may exposures, what types of exposures, what specifically by species do we see in the bulk of our calls. This helps us in what…

By Dr. Justine Lee, DVM, DACVECC, DABT Today we’re going to talk about certain “spring cleaning” products that are very dangerous to pets. Now, keep in mind that most household surface cleaning products only result in minor clinical signs of vomiting and diarrhea; these are products that you typically spray on windows and kitchen counters…