Ariana Schwab, CVT Senior Veterinary Industry Representative Pet Poison Helpline® The grass is getting greener and air is getting warmer. This is the time of year that we all emerge from our hibernation and enjoy this glorious weather. Now, more than ever, we are sticking close to home. Spending a lot of time enjoying our…
Jo Marshall, CVT, NREMT Senior Veterinary Information Specialist Hi, my name is Jo and I pick mushrooms. I pick them every day! I gather them up when I do my daily dog poop patrol in the yard. It is no small feat to do the mushroom gathering that I do, as there have been times…
By Michelle Willis, RVT, CVT Veterinary Information Specialist Time: All poisons are instant. False! The majority of toxins need time to act. There are many toxins that will take hours to days before we see any symptoms. (For example, Long Acting Anticoagulant Rodenticides can take days for signs to show). This is something to…