Pet Poison Helpline® is staffed with the following trained veterinary health experts:

  • Board-certified veterinary toxicologists (DABVT, DABT)
    • Drs. Ahna Brutlag and Sherry Ripple (Welch) have been elected as ABVT’s President-Elect and Treasurer for the years 2020-2022.
    • Dr. Brutlag will assume the President role in August of 2022.
  • Board-certified internal medicine specialists (DACVIM)
  • Board-certified emergency critical care specialists (DACVECC)
  • Certified veterinary technicians (including American Veterinary Emergency Critical Care Technicians – AVECCT)
  • Veterinarians (DVM)
  • Clinical pharmacists/Doctors of Pharmacy(PharmD)

All of our medical professionals have received extensive education in the area of veterinary toxicology prior to managing cases. Clinical pharmacists and board-certified veterinarians in internal medicine, emergency and critical care, and toxicology are available around the clock, as are herpetologists. Due to the extraordinary volume of serious pet poisoning cases involving human pharmaceuticals, clinical pharmacists are a critical member of our professional team. This multi-disciplinary approach to case management allows us to offer the highest level of assistance to you and your pet or patient.
Pet Poison Helpline® also has a formal affiliation with the University of Minnesota’s College of Veterinary Medicine and College of Pharmacy. At the veterinary school, PPH maintains adjunct faculty positions where we participate in both the veterinary toxicology course as well as various population medicine courses.

Pet Poison Helpline® has over 30 years of experience and expertise in the management of pets exposed to potentially dangerous substances. PPH is also partnered with the world’s largest industry poison control center to ensure pharmacovigilance and safety for both humans and pets, and serves multiple veterinary and human pharmaceutical companies and household good producers. Our core group of toxicologists founded the Minnesota Regional Poison Control Center over 25 years ago as faculty of the University of Minnesota. We’ve set the national standard as pioneers in industry toxicology. We handle over 100,000 cases a year for the large number of clients we serve. During the past three decades, our team has managed over 2.5 million cases involving potential poisonings.